
Hello! I'm Adam Bauser, an award-winning video producer, video editor, and scriptwriter
who loves making stuff for TV, YouTube, and wherever else people point their eyeballs

Please enjoy some of my work below.

Full-service Video Production 

A quick overview of the services I offer along with highlights from some of my recent projects. 

Dodo Kids YouTube Channel

I wrote, directed, and edited over 100 videos for the Dodo Kids YouTube Channel which have received over 350 million views and helped the channel add over two million new subscribers. They are also delightful to watch and frequently hilarious.

Classroom Close-up, NJ TV Series

I delivered over 150 stories for this weekly NJ PBS television series celebrating educators and students. 

About Adam Bauser

After watching my VHS video essay featuring crash edits, poorly performed stunts, and Troma-quality special effects, my tenth-grade psychology teacher declared, “You're going to do this for a living someday.” 

He was right! 

I went on to fulfill his prophecy by earning a degree in Radio-TV-Film from BGSU and embarking on an adventure filled with location filming, studio records, and a lots of editing sessions. Along the way, I've helped bring all kinds of media to the screen, from educational programs and live events to documentaries, TV series, and social media.

In my most recent role as a Video Editor/Producer with Vox Media, I had a blast producing stories for Dodo Kids, the Dodo's award-winning ‘made-for-kids’ YouTube channel. Every week, I collaborated with a team of funny, imaginative creatives to write, direct, and edit delightful videos enjoyed by millions of kids and families. 

Prior to Dodo Kids, I was segment producer and editor for the weekly NJ PBS television series Classroom Close-up, NJ for which I received three regional Emmy awards. In addition, I founded and managed a full-service video production business creating videos for high-profile clients and agencies across industries including life sciences, education, government, and finance.

When I'm not busy making things to watch, I'm busy watching things other people have made. Whether it's silent films, Hollywood classics, international cinema, or the latest big or low-budget monster flick, I'm always eager to check it out. I'm also a dedicated Oscars death racer, consumer of vintage TV shows, and lover of books about the history (and future) of media.

Interested in working together? Let's connect. 
